Archiv für Januar 2003

RAA.succ!.version #=> 2.3.0

RAA Ruby Application Archive has been updated. (see [ruby-talk:63170]) Changes:


Ruby In 2002: Contents Wanted

Here on the Ruby Garden Wiki comes a page to compile Ruby’s year 2002 and plans on 2003. The deadline is January 9. RubyIn2002 This page supports a following plan: “The Year in Scripting Languages(Lua/Perl/Python/Ruby/Tcl)”. The aim of that is to encourage these scripting language communities to collaborate with each other; its first step is to know neighbors, which will lead us to be able to share our efforts on scriptings. The chair person is Mitchell N. Charity. see also: [ruby-talk:60604], [ruby-talk:60731] Final result can be seen at


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